"Guard Your Heart" – Proverbs 4:23

Lads to Leaders

Click HERE to visit the Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes official website.

April 1-4, 2021 – The Lost Convention

Theme: 2020 – “Lost?” (Luke 15)    or    2021 – “Better Than” (Hebrews)
Bible Bowl: Hebrews

Visit the Lads to Leaders “official” Facebook page and also on Twitter.

Coordinators: Brandon and Wendy Jones

Please Email Diane Wilson, our Sign-Up Coordinator, with any questions about the different events and categories and to “sign-up” for a particular event.  Her Email is [email protected]

Click here for more information about how to stay connected and up-to-date on all things related to Lads to Leaders & Leaderettes.

The Goal of Lads to Leaders & Leaderettes

Lads to Leaders & Leaderettes is a tool used by churches of Christ to provide an effective year-round, Bible-based youth leadership program for students from Kindergarten through College.  It can be adapted to your congregational needs and is always under the authority and oversight of the local eldership.

Congregations that utilize this tool can equip young people with the knowledge and skills to become Bible school teachers, personal workers and effective speakers. Young men learn what it takes to be leaders in the Lord’s church and are prepared to be future elders, deacons and ministers.  These youth can then take these talents into communities in need of Christ, even before they graduate from high school.

Though many congregations with the Lads to Leaders & Leaderettes program enjoy a more than 90% retention rate of their young people, it is a program that goes beyond helping churches keep their youth faithful to the Lord. This is not just a youth program.  It is a congregational program.

Using the Bible standard of the old teaching the young, adult mentors assist the youth in training in various areas such as scripture memorization, Bible reading, speech preparation and presentation, debate, Bible bowl and song leading. This gets the entire congregation involved and brings about a spirit of unity.

Lads to Leaders & Leaderettes also provides an avenue through which young people can be motivated to become responsible Christian leaders in the home, church, school and community.

Start preparing your young people today to become great leaders!